Installation on Raspberry Pi

To install Kivy on the RPi using pip, please follow the main installation guide.

Installation components

Following, are additional information linked to from some of the steps in the main pip installation guide, specific to the RPi.

Installing Python

Python and python-pip must be installed from the package manager:

Raspberry Pi OS Buster/Bullseye

Using apt:

sudo apt update
sudo apt install python3 python3-pip

Arch Linux ARM

Images to use: (recommended)

Using pacman:

sudo pacman -Syu
# Note: python-setuptools needs to be installed through pacman or it will result with conflicts!
sudo pacman -S python-setuptools

# Install pip from source
# or curl -O
sudo python

Source installation Dependencies

To install Kivy from source, please follow the installation guide until you reach the Kivy install step and then install the dependencies below before continuing.

Raspberry Pi OS Buster/Bullseye

Using apt:

sudo apt update
apt-get -y install build-essential git make autoconf automake libtool \
      pkg-config cmake ninja-build libasound2-dev libpulse-dev libaudio-dev \
      libjack-dev libsndio-dev libsamplerate0-dev libx11-dev libxext-dev \
      libxrandr-dev libxcursor-dev libxfixes-dev libxi-dev libxss-dev libwayland-dev \
      libxkbcommon-dev libdrm-dev libgbm-dev libgl1-mesa-dev libgles2-mesa-dev \
      libegl1-mesa-dev libdbus-1-dev libibus-1.0-dev libudev-dev fcitx-libs-dev

apt-get install xorg wget libxrender-dev lsb-release libraspberrypi-dev raspberrypi-kernel-headers

# If we're on Debian buster, we need to install cmake from backports as the cmake version
# in buster is too old to build sdl2
if [ "$(lsb_release -cs)" = "buster" ]; then \
    echo "deb buster-backports main" >> /etc/apt/sources.list; \
    apt-get update; \
    apt-get -y install -t buster-backports cmake; \

Cross-Compilation for Raspberry Pi OS Buster/Bullseye (32 bit)

Kivy performs a dockerized cross-compilation for Raspberry Pi OS Buster/Bullseye (32 bit) wheels. The base images used for cross-compilation are the balenalib images for raspberrypi3 (buster and bullseye).

The docker images are built using the Dockerfile.armv7l file in the .ci directory.

The raspberrypi3 balenalib images have almost the same environment as the real Raspberry Pi OS Buster/Bullseye (32 bit) system, which makes it possible to include/exclude RPi specific features (like the egl_rpi window provider) during the build process.

We have an helper, named generate_rpi_wheels, that can be used to easily generate the wheels and copy the artifacts for Raspberry Pi OS Buster/Bullseye (32 bit). To cross-compile the wheels, you need to run the following commands:

source .ci/

# Generate wheels for Raspberry Pi OS Buster (32 bit, Python 3.7)
generate_rpi_wheels balenalib/raspberrypi3-debian-python:3.7-buster

# Generate wheels for Raspberry Pi OS Bullseye (32 bit, Python 3.9)
generate_rpi_wheels balenalib/raspberrypi3-debian-python:3.9-bullseye

Kivy determines automatically the sub-packages to build based on the environment it is compiled within. By default, the egl_rpi renderer that uses the (now deprecated but still useful) DISPMANX API is only compiled when running on a Raspberry Pi with Raspberry Pi OS Buster (32 bit), as it is the only platform that still supports it.

Please note that the egl_rpi window handler is not supported on Raspberry Pi 4 and higher.

Headless support on Raspberry Pi

If you followed the previous steps, or you’re using the pre-built wheels, the headless support is enabled by default.

On supported platforms (RPi 1-3 with Raspberry Pi OS Buster), the egl_rpi window provider is used by default. This window provider uses the (deprecated, will be removed in future) DISPMANX API to create a headless GL context.

On other platforms (e.g RPi 4 or 64 bit OS), the sdl2 window provider is used by default. If during the build process for the sdl2 dependencies the kmsdrm headers and libraries are found, the kmsdrm backend is enabled. This backend allows to create a headless GL context using the KMS/DRM API.

Hardware acceleration

If you are getting output similar to this when running your app:

[INFO   ] GL: OpenGL vendor <b'VMware, Inc.'>
[INFO   ] GL: OpenGL renderer <b'llvmpipe (LLVM 9.0.1, 128 bits)'>

Then it means that the renderer is NOT hardware accelerated. This can be fixed by adding your user to the render group:

sudo adduser "$USER" render

You will then see an output similar to this:

[INFO   ] GL: OpenGL vendor <b'Broadcom'>
[INFO   ] GL: OpenGL renderer <b'V3D 4.2'>

Raspberry Pi window provider and GL backend

Where applicable, Kivy will use the egl_rpi window provider by default.

The window provider and GL backend can be changed at runtime by setting the KIVY_WINDOW and KIVY_GL_BACKEND environmental variables.

The table below shows the supported combinations of window provider and GL backend on the 4 platforms:

Window provider (KIVY_WINDOW=)


RPi 1

RPi 2

RPi 3

RPi 4



















*The egl_rpi (deprecated) window provider is only available on Raspberry Pi OS Buster (32 bit).

Change the default screen to use

You can set an environment variable named KIVY_BCM_DISPMANX_ID in order to change the display used to run Kivy. For example, to force the display to be HDMI, use:


Check Controlling the environment to see all the possible values.

Note that this is only available on Raspberry Pi OS Buster (32 bit) and only when using the egl_rpi window provider.

Using Official RPi touch display

If you are using the official Raspberry Pi touch display, you need to configure Kivy to use it as an input source. To do this, edit the file ~/.kivy/config.ini and go to the [input] section. Add this:

mouse = mouse
mtdev_%(name)s = probesysfs,provider=mtdev
hid_%(name)s = probesysfs,provider=hidinput

For more information about configuring Kivy, see Configure Kivy